So the countdown will begin. 8 days until my little guy goes in. 8 days until this new scary experience will start. I have bad dreams about handing him away. It was so hard when we took him for his adenoids and tonsils, because we literally handed him to a nurse and she took him back, his big blue eyes just looking at me not knowing what was going on. I hated that feeling, and now thinking I'm going to have to do it again, this time for a completely different reason with a whole set of different feelings, it hurts to picture it in my head. Jack has been extra cuddly lately. He wants to be held and he just snuggles up right in that area between the side of your neck and on your shoulder. I told Steve that I think he knows something is going on, it has just been the strangest thing he wants so many hugs and snuggles. But Steves answer was this: He knows his mommy and daddy need some extra loves right now...... And you know what, that makes perfect sense.
Elle on the other hand is super excited for her adventure. She can't wait. We have tried to explain how Jack will look when he comes home, and I think until she sees him that is when she will really get it. They love to just wrestle each other, sometimes I start to go crazy but then they both start laughing so hard I can't do anything but laugh and let it continue. The other day we were checking out at a store and the lady helping said of Jack, "Oh he is such a doll", and Elle said, "No he is a boy, he's my brother and his name is Jack and we have a baby sister coming in my mommys belly and we are going to wear the same clothes and play with each other all the time...." I was laughing hearing her explain our life to this lady, it was so cute. Elle will also tell Steve and I all the time that she is going to marry Jack. And we ask her why she wants to do that and it's because she wants to always live with him, so they are going to get married : )
I need those little moments, April 20th seemed so far off when we first got the date, I was like oh that is at the end of the month, there is so much time, but now its almost here I can't believe it. I talked with a lady whose son had the surgery when he was 2 1/2. This was great information as the other people Ive known who did it had it done when their child was between 6 and 9 months, so hearing someone who had a child around Jacks age was so nice. She actually sort of used her blog as a journal for her experience which was nice to read. I sort of feel like I would go that same route as we do this. So if my next set of posts seem like journal entries you will know why. For now we are in quarantine mode, Jack is not sick at all and we need him to stay that way. It's hard to stay home but its needed being so close to his date. Oh well there you have it... 8 days and counting...
2 weeks ago
We were just talking about this today. Ella was concerned Jack was going to be by himself at the hospital. That's sweet that he keeps giving you guys hugs. I think little kids have a 6th sense for that. And Elle at that store, that's a hoot. That little girl...OH, let her know Ella was talkling about their future sleepover today. We'll talk soon.