Wednesday, June 16, 2010

She Is Here!!! Sorry about the late update : )

Our little girl has come and oh what a time we are having with her.... She decided to make her arrival into this world on June 9th 2010. Here she is and I have to say she is a beauty : ) There is just something about a brand new baby, they have such a sweet spirit that you can't help but love to be around.

I was always wanting her to have her own little story of how she came to us and boy did she deliver. You would think that after 2 children knowing when your baby was going to come would be easy. But just to justify my craziness, Elle was induced and with Jack my water broke but I never really got a good taste of "real contractions"..... So here is Marleys story:

I had been to the hospital 2 times once on Sunday night and the second on Tuesday night due to really hard contractions that were lasting about 1hr before I decided to go in. But alas I was checked and hooked up to a monitor to sit for 1-2 hours before getting sent home. The contractions would be there and were real but they would soon die off as I was being monitored. So after the 2nd turn away- which by the way I was dilated to a 4 - but then again I was dilated to a 4 the first night we went in.... But anyway we got turned away on Tuesday night so I told Steve there was no way I was going back unless my water broke. Well Wednesday morning 5:45am I am awakened by a huge pain. aka contraction. I look at the clock and get through it and then went to check on the kids. 10min later another one, I just started to cry, I was like are you kidding me?? why does this keep happening, and then told myself I am not going in.... These contractions went on for and hour and stayed a good 10min apart, but at that hour mark they started to get closer, more like 5-7min apart. Steve was like I'm calling my mom and I would scream NO I am not going in, there is no way I was going to be turned away for a 3rd time, I already felt crazy for going in the other times and I didn't want to go through it again. Well Steve called his mom and she got to our house about 7:40am, by 8am we were in the car, I was thinking there is no way that I am not in Labor it hurt sooooo much, these contractions were sooo bad. We hit morning traffic and I felt like my hubby was driving like a turtle, it took all that I had not to go crazy, but when he slammed on the brakes instead of going through a yellow light I was like"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Im so sorry Steve but I was in so much pain, he was also wayyyyy stressed and I know it was hard for him, after the whole ordeal he said he just had never seen me in so much pain and he didn't know how he could help... But we got to the hospital and of course it was right when another contraction came along. I couldn't walk, I think the nurse knew we were close when she saw us come in because they rushed us back... we got into the rooms where they asses you and I was checked and at an 8 they were getting all my info down and I was just like I need the epidural asap. Steve was in and out of the room breathing probably about as hard as myself and the nurse was like what is going on... but what it boiled down to was the fact that we were there, this baby was coming and our last experience like this was when we had Jack, and he came with a little extra surprise that at the time we were not prepared for, so it was crazy to be back. Well a contraction came and went and we were being moved to the actual birthing room, they didn't have any wheel chairs so I sort of ran as fast as I could to the first avail birthing room. It was so funny because it is a room all by itself, if you know the hospital they have one long hall of all the birthing room and then there is this room we were in and it is over in a total different area and I remember telling steve as we left the hospital the night before that it would be crazy to have that room because you are over in an area all by yourself, and then there we were. I was checked again as soon as we got to the room and I was at a 9. My doctor was out of town so I had a doctor that I had seen his name but never met come in. He introduced himself and checked me again, we were waiting on the anesthesiologist to come in, it was too late for an epidural so I was going to get a spinal block, the guy finally came in and thankfully as soon as he got me set up the pain was gone, it was heaven. The doctor then broke my water and said if it had broke at home or on the way Steve would have delivered this baby. That about made him pass out but there wasn't time, the nurse said the baby is here and then she was. It was all so fast which looking back it really needed to be, if we had too much time it would have been stressful, Jacks birth at times seems like it happened yesterday, so to have so many things going on keeping your mind just focused on this little one it was nice. Again I don't want to take away from the beauty of Jacks birth because it was full of amazement, but like I said we just got an extra surprise at the beginning.... Anyway Marley weighed 7lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. We love her to death and are just so happy she is here..... I will have to update again on how the family has adjusted to the new little addition, but for now here is our first offical family picture with all of us together.....


  1. Oh my goodness she is a doll!!! I bet Elle and Jack are just loving her to pieces!!! I can't believe that you were an 8 when they checked you at the hospital!!! You are a crazy woman!!! Hope you are feeling great and I hope you aren't missing work too much!!!heehee If I can help with anything, please let me know!!!

  2. So cute. I am so glad that I got to meet her and am so excited for you. Congratulations.

  3. Yay, she's here! She's so pretty and precious! Love her name too! Hope you are adjusting well. :)

  4. Did you know that Kyle and his wife, Jeree had their baby on June 9th? Very same day! Wowzers!
