So I meant to post this last week, but time and a little girls party got in my way.... Our Marley turned 3 months on the 9th, and I can't believe that that much time has already flown by... It seems like we have been going from one thing to another not even having time to breath. But WoW what can I say she has already changed so much. Its funny how you think newborn babies are just so beautiful but then they start to grow and it just gets better from there. I must say Marley Mar is such a sweet little one, she keeps me company late at night and she just loves her brother, sister and daddy... she has a smile that will make you feel warm inside and a cry that makes your heart skip a beat thinking that she has either been attacked by her brother or broken a bone, when in reality she just wants to eat. It makes me laugh when I hear it because seriously you would think she was in horrific pain, but all it is is she is hungry... that appetite has been showing off in the chunky-ness of her thighs, I love chunky baby thighs, I could kiss them all the time... And finally I just can't get over how much she looks like Elle sometimes... I will have to post a picture of the two sometime and let you all guess who is who, it is sooo crazy, yet at the same time there are many times when she is just Marley, with her own individual little beautiful smile... what can I say, I think shes a keeper ; )
This is from the day we left the hospital -she looks so tiny

This is 2 weeks old - doing what she does best - sleep!

This is 3 1/2 weeks old - again with the sleeping

This is 6 weeks old - checking things out

This is 2 months old - posing for the camera (her serious look) : )

This is our not so little anymore 3month old....
keeping me company at around 11:30 at night!

Yeah, she looks like Elle! Crazy how much she's changed in the last month. Why do they have to grow so quickly?!?