Friday, October 1, 2010

Give it a Try

So I'm going to try out this little idea I came across.... In honor of October being Downs Syndrome Awareness month, I am taking the challenge to blog 1 time every day...

This should be a bit tricky as I don't really have that many interesting things to blog about, and not a ton of extra time.... but I'm gonna give it a try

So.... to begin, here are SOME of the many faces of our little man....

1 post down, 30 more to go......


  1. Cute Jack! Good luck with your next 30 posts. I'd commit too but I'll be out of service for a while, I'm sure, after the baby comes.

  2. Oh my goodness......he has the best facial expressions! What a little character he is...I love it!! He is just adorable!
