Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So I just wanted to get down for documentation reasons some things that Elle has said lately, so here are some of her Elle-isms...

1. Out of nowhere when I was brushing her hair she said: "If anyone ever bothers my brother I'm going to tell them to leave him alone, and I'm not even going to say Please... I'm going to say Get away from my brother Now!!" It took all I had to not break down and start to cry right then, but I had to laugh a little especially at the I'm not even going to say please part....

2. While in the car she said the next one... "I love my world, my world is just so beautiful..." I love how its her world, and yes Elle it truly is...

3. She will do the next one when something she does makes something happens to what she is building or coloring or doing.. she will say " Oops, baaaad decision"

These may not make much sense but when she says them it is just either so touching or too funny...

Also 1 Jack-ism that he started to do last week was just to say "Elle" I need to record it and put it on here, because he will be waiting for her to get home from school and look at the door and say Elle, and his little tongue looks so cute being rolled up, and if he is in another room and hears her voice, he will start saying "Elle"... I couldn't believe it at first but he shows everyone around him that he is trying to get to his sister and is using her name now everyday... It's great to be a part of.

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