Friday, March 12, 2010

Morning Reminder...

I just was reading some of the other blogs that I go through and a story was told that just made me start crying.... It was about a lady whose friend - that works at an adoption agency - called her and told her that a couple who just had a little girl with Downs Syndrome was wanting to give the baby up for adoption... The adoption lady asked if they would want to speak with someone who had a baby with DS and they said yes but later changed their mind.... The reason I started to cry was this... I know that when we had Jack there was a period of thinking "what in the world are we going to do? Why did this happen to me, and how am I going to do this? I felt that fear that feeling of hopelessness of loss, but now I look at my little boy and with all my heart cannot tell you how grateful I am that he came to us. How blessed I have been to have him in my life. And although there is that fear that creeps up every now and then, it is nothing compared to the feeling that his little spirit brings to our family. That pure spirit that connects with everyone around him. I pray for this family going through this very difficult time, I hope that they feel comfort with whatever choice they make, I know that our Heavenly Father has something planned for this very precious little girl. There are so many out there who are waiting for her, in fact there were 10 comments and 2 of the 10 were people who wanted to be connected to the adoption agency as they have been waiting for a child with DS to adopt... It was a good way to start the morning off, meaning I have been reminded of the real stuff that makes us happy....

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