Wow I'm a slacker.... when I don't have to work on a weekend, I really do all I can to not get on the computer, so I guess that is sort of my excuse : ) but no, October for some reason is like a blur to me so far... I feel like I have had one thing after another that has made me stressed or worry over so that is where all my focus has gone, and then by the time I sit down to write about some of it, I'm so tired I can't.... what a crazy life!!
I love how I have to put Jack to bed about 20 times a night -if not more-because he will just get out of his bed now that he has a new found freedom- no crib bars : ) weird that I love it, but the reason is because when I peek in to see what he is up to I almost cry because I see that my little boy is just that - a little boy. I always knew that Jack was not Down Syndrome, but just that he had Down Syndrome... yet when he first came into our lives I just pictured how hard life was going to be and I worried about how he wasn't going to be able to do this or that.... but in reality he is this little boy who likes to get out of bed and get his cars and play with them. He loves to read books and loves to get out of bed to get one to look at. And he feels the need to throw his bottle out of bed just so he has an excuse to get out of bed and go grab it. I love having to put him back in bed because every time I do its Jacks way of telling me that he is a little boy first and foremost, who just happens to have something extra...
Jack had the cutest legs... and when he is pant-less and standing up playing with something on the couch or ottoman, I just want to go and eat those legs... they are so stinking cute... and his little feet are just the same... it's cute to look at his toes, a little fact about kids with DS is that there is sometimes a bigger space in between their big toe and the rest... its nothing huge but it is something noticeable, and Jack has it. When he walks around you can see how he is using his toes so much to maintain balance and they are just too cute!!
I love the fact that now instead of crawling everywhere, if Jack can grab your hand he wants you to walk with him everywhere... we went from his non-stop rolling... to crawling like a mad man, and now walking with him.... I love to just walk with him, holding onto my one hand... it's like we are just going for a little stroll through the house, but its just me and him hand in hand....
1 week ago
Cute post. That's so great that Jack is getting closer and closer to walking. Before you know it, he'll be getting into all of his big sisters things and you too will be breaking up fights...or probably not since Jack's way too laid back, unlike Jane.