So Monday night was not so great.... Jack was having major issues with his oxygen so finally around 2am-ish I just took it off... he was just having such a hard time. But even after taking it off he was still moaning and crying, I wanted him to just get through it, you know cry it out, but then he started crying in a way that told me this is not normal. I went in picked him up and he was shaking, very hot and breathing a little weird. I took his temp, and although he felt really hot he didn't have a fever. I went back and forth on what to do but with all 3 issues combined everything in me said to take him into the ER. So off we went. Steve stayed home with Elle, and by the time we got to the hospital Jack had calmed down a little so I was like, I hope we made the right choice by bringing him in. I guess what was weighing in the back of my mind was this story I read on numerous blogs about this sweet little 8yr girl, who happens to have DS, but she went to school one day, the next spiked a fever and within 3hrs had passed away. No one knows why, but it happened so fast I was sort of in the mind set that things like that can happen to anyone and they can happen out of no where and so fast so we needed to act....
So there we were at the ER by the time we got there Jack did have an official fever the doctor checked all his vitals and when he was trying to look down Jacks throat Jack threw up on my leg... which is so crazy because that is seriously the first time he has ever really thrown up, so I got my self some official hospital scrub pants- which I'm sure I was billed for - and waited to see what we would be doing. A respiratory therapist came in to take a sample of his runny nose to test for RSV and then we went in and had a chest X-Ray done. The doctor came back and said that the chest X-Ray showed signs of Pneumonia on his right side of his lungs... It was just a mild case but it was there and due to his heart and lung conditions he wanted to admit Jack to the hospital for observation... but not there in American fork, he wanted us to go up to Primarys. I was like really are you serious?? The doctor was sort of on the fence he went back and forth on just sending us home or sending us up, but in the end he said he would rather error on the side of caution. I called Steve who then talked with his mom who was on her way over to the house to watch Elle - Thank you Nancy sooo much - but then at that point I was also told that we would be transported by ambulance honestly my mind just started thinking what is all this going to cost?? but when I shook that off I knew that we would do anything it took to make sure our little man was ok. I guess they just wanted him to stay on his IV and oxygen for the ride up. On a side note, Jack LOVED the ride up, he was playing hide and seek with one of the EMTs and just laughing and smiling, it was good to see, due to the earlier experience of having to hold Jack when they got blood and put in the IV.... he has done really good in the past but at the same time that was usually with people who worked with little kids so they were used to the little veins they would have to find, this night the guy doing it was trying to do a good job, but I know it was killing Jack, he was in some major pain and it made me break down at that point... After getting past all of that we made it up to Primarys and because his fever was down to normal and his vitals were all perfect we just had to wait until some doctors from Cardiology came to check on him... Around 2pm we finally got a visit from a cardiologist, followed by 2 more from 2 other doctors.... At that point we found out that we would be postponing his PDA surgery closure that we had scheduled for on Tuesday. I was like of course we would have to do that and not only that, but we would have to wait 4-6 weeks before we could get him in again... 4-6 weeks why does that time frame seem so familiar? Oh yea, that is when I'm due : ) great timing....I guess we will see what happens next. I'm not so worried about the PDA surgery its more of the thought of if it doesn't work and we have to go through with the open heart.... I guess I will just have to have the faith to know things will happen as they should, and I will pray that this 1st surgery will be all that we will need....
2 weeks ago
Oh my goodness!!! This stress is not good for you or for Jack!!!Please try to take it easy for the next few weeks, ok??!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and that little cutie Jack!!
ReplyDeleteRobin you are one strong lady! My eyes welled up with tears just thinking about how hard that would be to handle and the stress you must be feeling!